This module and source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License, see for more information.
This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
If you have comments or suggestions you are welcome to email them to us ( but we cannot guarantee that we will act upon them or even respond to them.
If you need to get some issue solved or a new feature added we do provide consulting and support at reasonable rates, you can contact us here.
If you want to be informed when a new version of this or other of our modules are released, you can sign up to receive our Tech newsletter.
This module requires some third-party jars which is not a part of the opencms 6.2.x installation:
json-lib-1.0.jar - download it from JSON-lib.
ezmorph-1.0.jar - download it from EZMorph.
commons-lang-2.2.jar - download it from Apache Jakarta Commons Lang.
For convenience we have made a zip-archive with all of the above jars:
Note that Apache commons HTTPClient 3.x is required in case authenticated access via the HTTPClient API is needed (OpenCms 6.0.x came with HTTPClient 2.x which fails to properly authenticate). This module does not itself require this functionality but other modules that depends on it may require it (such as the Newsletter module):
commons-httpclient-3.x - download it from Apache Jakarta Commons HttpClient.
Makes sure that the required jars are placed in ... opencms/WEB-INF/lib/
-directory (replace "opencms" with whatever appropriate if you have installed OpenCms under a different name).
Then install this module via the Module Management in the Administrative view in OpenCms.
Restart the instance or you servlet container and you should be ready to go.