Managing a web site involves a number of technical disciplines. With OpenCms you can forget about the three lowest levels and instead concentrate on the important part: the contents.
OpenCms contains a number of features that makes it very efficient. One of the most important features is the strict division between content and layout.
Typically a number of fairly technical disciplines need to be mastered in order to manage a homepage. With OpenCms most of the technical issues are hidden from the average user. He or she can now concentrate on the important part: the contents.
When updating the homepage gets this easy it suddenly becomes relevant to have more employees involved in the process. OpenCms makes it possible to assign certain parts of a web site to one or more employees. They then assume responsibility of that part and can themselves perform the relevant changes. This is the foundation for an up-to-date web site. This is especially true for intranet solutions, but public web sites tend to benefit as well.
OpenCms provides an extensive access control mechanism which makes it possible to prevent users from accessing parts they are not supposed to alter. Based on right per user, or groups of users, it is possible to have content editors that can update contents but not publish it, and then leave the publishing to say the project manager.
OpenCms works with projects. Projects is a flexible way to define who are doing what to which part of the web site. Projects can be permanent or transient, allowing for very different projects definitions. This advanced use of OpenCms is relevant for larger organisations, whereas smaller ones are likely to be able to get by without these features.
On top of projects it is possible to define workflows. This means that the project manager can delegate the editing to one user, which in turn can pass it on to the proof reader and so forth.